Monday, April 26, 2010

Perfect Family ?

What makes a Family is a family, and how does it define as a perfect family?    

Refer to Google definitions ;

"The definition of family is a group of people who share common ancestors. An example of a family is all the descendants of a specific person."

      How do you define a group of people that does not share a common ancestor, but they do live in the same house and do love each other more than just a friend. Can they be called a family? or a group of people who are not share anything but just love and care toward each other, can it call a family?
The perfection, can it be archived by a human? Is there anything that is perfect in this world? How can we define perfection? 

Refer to Google definitions ;

"Perfection is a flawless state where everything is exactly right. It can also be the act of making something perfect. Since perfect things are without fault or flaw, perfection is a perfect condition — everything is 100% great."

    It is near to impossible to reach perfection in life or in anything. As perfection are only belongs to Allah! We are humans are full of flaws, and glitches everywhere. But it is not an excuse for us to not have a near-perfect family. 
        A perfect family is something that was vice versa of perfection. Where it is not flawless but much of flaws and glitches. Having a complete family structure is not bring the definition of a perfect family. Some of the perfect families are those that only a mother and son or any kind of form a family structure it still considers a perfect family too. 
        In my family, we are based on 15 members and consist of a parent with 13 children. We do live a happy and perfect family. My parents are working hard in order to fulfill the need of the family. We have been moved a few times from one state to another as my parent were followed one of the Islamic organizations that required them to move for the Da'awah. Even with circumstances that happen in our family, we still grow stronger and love each other.
        Till the 11th baby was born, my family decided to settle it down in one small town located in the state of Selangor. Where my mom settles down as a baker and quits her job as a teacher, as she feels that she needs more time to spend with the 11th baby as they are twins. Consuming more time and energy from her to raise two babies at one time make her struggle more to earn more. She has been working so hard in the bakery till her business grows from a small stall next to main road to a restaurant that can accommodate more than 50 people at the time. She became a successful businesswoman, till people surrounding her respected her as a woman who raised 13 children, yet still managed to build her own businesses from nothing. Her stories have been published in one of the local newspapers about her hard work and struggle as a woman who is successful! 
        In other stories, my dad started his carrier as a commissioner of oath at the state of Perak. This career required him to travel from one state to the others. It consumed more of his time in the office and travel from one place to another. However, he still managed to spend his time with us by taking a sweet time to assist us with our school homework, and pampered us with his story. He is an incredible father, a patient man, and the most polite person ever. He has been respected by locals, as his personality who loves to help people and easygoing person. 
        These two personalities in our lives have made us become what we are today, I am thankful for having both of them in my life and thankful for raising me. Even though, we head up and down in life that does not ever break us into something that we are going to regret in the end. Having them care for us has made me feel that I had a perfect family in the world!


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