12 May 2009, I reach 18 years olds, at that time I was in Shah Alam. My aunt had a LAW FIRM, shes offering me to work with her while I waited for the call from any Universities or any high school. Her offer was not that good since my father was working under the same Firm. Hence, I consider accepting the offer as I did not want to offend my dad's. Plus that will be the chance for me to learn for being independent and be away from my comfort zone at home. My mom was not that happy when I accept the offer at first, after a few discussions and promises between us, shes finally decided to accept and to let me go.
My first month at Shah Alam was pretty good, I get to know a lot about the area by walking around and hop on the e-hailing. I visited the public pool and stadium in my first month and later the end of my first month I start to visit the shopping center around the area. During the first month, my and aunt we are commute from Damansara Damai to Bussines Worldwide Center Section 13 Shah Alam. Pretty taught to me as I and her need to wake up early just to avoid the bad traffic situation in the morning, where she is not a morning person.
On my second month here, thing is seen different from the first month as I been given more task that I did not expect to. From typing a legal paper to giving the reminder call to a debtor and etc. Yet they did not increase me a payment, instead, they were said I will receive an extra paid based on the achievement from the debtor repayment. Where its never happen, as I am not trained on how to speak or influence the debtor to make the payment. At this time I was frustrated and disappointed with what had happened. I was thought its end here, but no. We start to stay at the office till midnight and sometimes we stay over at the office till the next day. I did not dare to speak out to her as she was a sister to my father, I respect her position and try not to offend her as I care for my dad's reputation and feel.
Six months after, in June. My parents called and informed me that I been accepted to continues to study in Malaysia Higher School Certificate (Literature in Bahasa) at Khir Johari Secondary School, Perak. I rejected the offer at first until my second untie interfere and forcing me to accept. To be honest, my family was basically are been controlled by those people at first as my dads were not strong enough to make the decision of his own child. Which I was quite upset about it till now, he was afraid of all his sibling till he let them interfere in the family matter. This is where all started, the new journey and adventure of knowing the real face of my aunt and uncle as most of them are in the educational sector. At the same time, the story of myself knowing real friendships is and the relation of the family tied.
Like the normal thing in the school, the student is divided into a few groups of class and depending on the course they are taking. I was in the class of literature, where the student is basically more into linguistics, art, and historical specialist. A reader, singer, and poetry are in the class too, we are living happily in the first month. By started to introduce ourself and get to know each other by breaking up the ice. However, happiness will never last. During the second month, I enter the school, I was been slandering with the gossip that I seduce one of my classmates (a man that I do not even remember his name). To be honest, I did not know how that happens, as I barely see him or talk to him. Yet thing happen and had effected my reputation in the school. Plus it has made me feel ashamed of this school and had put hatred in my heart toward all lectures and teachers in the school.
The reason behind I hated those people because the accuser's father was a teacher at that school and he even supported his son and plus make the accusation look real. After the cases bring forward in the head department meeting, he has been a move to another institution with his son as the accusation has been charge under false accusation.
Even it has been officially a false accusation, yet it is still affecting my reputation at school and it does make me under pressure and make me lose confidence to make friends or build my connection with others.
Every each of them is nice and they brought their own story of life and plus they were excellent in what they are doing. Proud to have them in my class. Other then a ladies we had a gentleman in the class which included me. I did not get the full picture of everyone in the class, as they were not to close to me and plus some of them still had hatred on me. I really hope that I can please everyone that I meet. Unfurtunely I unable to do that to everyone. Hence only this what I got and I do appreciate the friendship we had during the year.
Most of all the gentleman that we had in the class and Syukri is the one that are "happy go lucky" and he always makes our class full of laugh and plus he always had a full of honest opinion about everything. Thank you for always there syukri, you are the best classmate ever.
In the above picture, we had Syukri, Zaidi and my self on the first row from above and Zaidi with Hidayat at the bottom row. To be honest, at first we are not too friendly at each other and all this change when we start to have a mutual understanding in each other. We are more like a family, where we share and get along among each other.
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