Thursday, August 11, 2022


Langkawi Island is an archipelago made up of 99 islands on the west coast of Malaysia. Surrounded by the Andaman Sea, the main island offers a mixture of picturesque paddy fields, jungle-clad hills, and tranquil waterfalls. The expansive shoreline is fringed by powder-fine sand and swaying coconut trees. At the same time, among 99 islands, only 3 islands are habitats which are Langkawi island itself, Dayang Bunting Island, and Tuba Island, and transportation that connects those three islands were only via a boat or private yacht. There is no bridge connecting each of the islands and yet they manage to grow and build the island with magnificent manufacturing buildings in those three islands magically. And for the rest of the 96 islands around the west coast of Malaysia

was inhabitants and consider virgin island as not many tourists go for a visit or know about those islands except some locals who drop by for resting after a long day fishing. However, not to worry as there is a local tour agent who will organise a tour if a tourist is interested to visit and even some will casually recommend a tour to those inhabitant islands to delight tourists by experiencing wild beaches and crystal clear water that will guarantee a magical experience to enjoy the richest wild sea life creature on the ocean and surrounding beaches.

    The magical island of Langkawi as well welcome tourists with breathtaking landscapes of beaches, peaks and meadows, thoughtful man-made structures with a blend of beliefs and modernity, monuments depicting history and culture, and nightlife that keeps the spirit alive, and world-famous diving locations in crystal waters - all contrive together to present tourists with several places to visit. 

In addition to that, what makes the island special is the island itself where the island is home to an abundance of extraordinary wildlife including 200 bird species and an assortment of monkeys. In their famous wildlife park, you will find over 150 different species of animals and birds from all over the world including South East Asia, Africa, South America, Australia, Russia and Malaysia. Not just that makes it special, but the island as well surprises the tourist with a visit of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin around the Kilim ocean area. They are mostly seen during a Mangrove trip, the experienced guide will know where to spot them easily.
    The Mangrove trip may organise via a local tour guide or even every hotel on the island will organise the tour as the mangrove trip are the signature activity that must do when a visit the island. During the trip, the guide will normally be given nature and history talk about the island, and they will tour you along the mangrove river, bat cave and around the Andaman sea. This is a
memorable activity that will never be forgotten every time visit the island. At the same time, during the trip, you will spot "Walking fish", colourful crab, macaque, snake, eagle and numerous types of birds. Please be expected that only a speedboat can make it through the mangrove. If you want to get a luxurious yacht or boat for the trip that will not be possible. However, if you wish to experience a luxurious experience, you may request an arrangement with some tiffin boxes or sparkling juice a
and sparkling champagne during the tour which will organise separately from the tour package. 
Do not forget to ensure you have used the toilet before the trip, as you will not be stopping anywhere during the excursion to find any loo. 
The mangrove trip is suitable for kids above five years old, and this trip as well will encourage the kids to love 
nature and educate them on how important
the mangrove is toward the survival of the natural habitat on this earth. 
In addition, bare in mind that the bat caves are smelly and dark. Do not switch on the light as it will disturb the bat around the caves and this route as well are required the naturalists to be aware of the ocean tide timing. To cross the cave, it needs to be in the mid of the tide, as when it's too low or too high the boat will not be able to get through the cave. 
If you wish to stop by any of the spots only via a private boat trip, the guide might be stopping by to enhance the experience of the trip. Tourists as well are reminded not to feed the wildlife, such as the eagle or the macaque to preserve the wildlife with its method of survival and feeding method. However, there is some boat tour that will feed the eagle to catch its attention of it by impressing the tourist. If lucky a tourist might experience the marriage of an eagle or the matting process. Where the male eagle will fly up high to impress the female.
    There Is some other thing that you may experience other than mangrove, which I will share in the next post. To be continued...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Eid al-Fitr! (Hari Raya A'idilfitri)

Why do we celebrate something in our life?
Does we do thing correct ?
Does this what Him wanted from us or does what we do can pleased Him as He wanted ?


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

OOTD! men's style for youngster!

Jefferson was not a foreign name in the fashion industries . It's known by their trendy and bold concepts and it's became popular around the teenager now day's . 
However , the Jefferson Malaysia had launch their outlet all around Malaysia . It's make the Jefferson fan are easy to access the Jefferson outlet to have the updated item all stocks . 
Even , there will not opportunities regardless , because Jefferson  are everywhere . Such : Queensbay Mall ,  EON BM Jusco , KB Trade Center , KB Mall ,  East Coast Mall , Sungei Wang Plaza , Sunway Pyramid , and EON Bandaraya Melaka.

Commencement , when I saw that my buddies are wearing the fashionable attire all the time when we hangout together . 
It's look really trendy and Hot ! 
Until he introduce to me about the Jefferson Brand , for the first I was not really interested . 
Until he brought me to the Jefferson branch in Sungei Wang Plaza , Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia. that time they were come out with new items and starting the SALE . Without thinking much ... I was spending lot's of Ringgit just in One day for that sale price . However ... it's was awesome !!!

Since I'm wearing Jefferson, never doubt that I feel much comfort and presence more trendy and young!
LET'S VISIT Jeffersons for the official website for shop! 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Can Man and Woman be a Best friend?

I'm not a social people, but one I had a friend I will be appreciated very much. Since I was in primary school not much of the people that I gather around. I prefer to be alone not surrounding with the useless people. However, when I start the secondary school thing change as it required me to be more sociable to complete my secondary. That moment changes every single of my social life. I start to join some social club, we singing, dancing and spend more time in a cafe as we're planning a lot for the club activity such as a Vlog and short movie video there. All this change make me feel more life, as before my life was boring as there is nothing much I do in my life. Time by time, day by day, week by week and month by month last year by year, has gone and till I'm in college I realize the worlds are much bigger than I thought before, in college where I found the truth of friendship where she is the one who there for me when the others were left me. She is boyish, but deep inside her heart, she is just adorable women and caring person.  I'm thankful to Allah for sending her into my life as a good friend of mine. She and me, we had a strong bonding. Where we always understand and care for each other. 

syikin n' haimie

Only a true a friend understand your cries, knows the reason behind your smile and support you all through.

Lets the picture tell you the stories, we are not a couple but we are a BEST FRIEND & yes, Man and Woman can be a best friend without falling love or having a conflict as what is the citizen criticize when a man and woman are the best friends.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


What I never realized that the time waiting for me? I realized that what i get older? What i realized that I have yet to achieve my dream for this? I realize that what they are getting away? What I realized that i was getting away? What i realized that i was still in losses? What I realized that i was heading towards the formation of life is entrusted to me? I knew what to do and I promise to God? WHAT I AM AWARE! 

20 years, 240 month, 617 days, 14,800 hours, and 10,713,600 seconds. My age 0f 12  may 2011 in 01.00 am. I do fell the time is rapidly leaving me behind, variety of experiences and challenges and tests during the life of me. I was confronted at the time. I fell he ca be on but I feel is below, feel the joy and happiness in life. Severe disappointment bad sadness i fell. Health and disease that I do not know, but face the arrival and departure of people of I love.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Meaningful Day

Two hours ago I was shocked by the message sent to my inbox social networking site. Orders are sent by someone who was waiting for me, I felt very happy at all if he had contacted me through the order. Order reads like this "Happy birthday to you, and keepyourself well. good luck" message is so simple though, it is very meaningful for me. I'm really grateful to God for giving me opportunities to interface with him again. I just received the order, I contacted directly through my phone, but the time just a moment. remain grateful that I ask the Lord to speak to even a little. Today I was really excited, so I jump up and down with joy.THANKS TO HIM!!!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Warning from GOD
Message: Here's the story .... My best friend is a teacher in a school in Malaysia and have a Chinese friend. In fact, the friend had also taught at the same place. His friend said that he had read a Chinese newspaper recently that said there was a baby born in China just like the mouth sewn up, but there was no effect of stitching.Only his mouth closed. So the doctor agreed to operate on the baby's mouth the Chinese. But after a successful surgical operation is there something unexpected in the mouth .............. Want to know what was in his mouth ????????Doctors who operate on the baby found a small piece of paper in a paper written in Chinese content .. you want to know what content? In these papers have been written in Chinese script that reads "Remember, O people, indeed the Day of Judgement will be appearing soon" But the Chinese doctor was surprised because the baby was born since his mouth was closed.So there is no evidence to say there are people who put the small paper. Indeed proved that the power of God, the Great created the baby in such a way as to give information to people about the arrival of the Hour ..Verily, Allah the Almighty to give a warning to servants for repent and remember always. Verily, Allah is merciful and loving Their servant. That is why He has warned that ... But do you believe this? In the current situation, let us reflect on the era's messenger, Allah has given little indication about the signs of the Hour. For example, the signs of the Hour is the outcry from the sky, a great flood struck, nature and variety of the incidents of destruction of nature. In fact, there is a heinous act that gay people get married, their mothers gave birth to his master and man the Dwarf. And in the Quran itself has said that the signs of the Hour is that when the Muslims! self-hatred of Islam and oppose ... Nauzubillah...And all these events have proven that in the present day. So in general ... the Day of Resurrection will be appearing soon, but time and initially unknown to us. Only the Prophet mentions that the Hour will appear on Friday but did not mentioned the time and place to start ........... but the question is why are not there any coverage in the Malay newspapers about this news? Is this because the government does not want to be a commotion in this country just because the news?. Therefore, let us ponder with real news is a bonus and a reminder for His servants of Allah to His believing slaves ready to wait for the arrival of doomsday.Another thing is the end of one sign earthquakes will occur in three places .... the middle east, west and east. At that time, the new Turkey and Mexico Taiwan. Tup...tup... a powerful earthquake in the lye is one week. And the late Ustaz Taha had said about five years ago one of the signs would end a scuffle in Indonesia and Turkey. Subhanallah. Come on we together think about that ... and look deeper into the meaning of a thing that had happen now. The evidence was clear and even more significantly from day to day .... so be patient waiting and together we pray to ALLAH for save us from the disaster ..... this is the 
section the email sent by a friend to me .. so that is my responsibility to distribute the all

Notice: - In the Baby Mouth (had ever published in Chinese language newspaper) 
"Spend my knowledge even though a sentence" (Holy Prophet)
"Undoubtedly, Allah, make your conduct whole and sound and forgive your sins. And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger Then surely he has got a great victory. "(Surah Al-Ahzab: 71)


L angkawi Island is an archipelago made up of 99 islands on the west coast of Malaysia. Surrounded by the Andaman Sea, the main island offer...